Consulting is the Secret to Unlocking your Vision.

Our retail marketing consulting services provide our clients with expertise and much required knowledge to get started with a venture or grow a business.

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Our Consultants provide the highest quality advice and technical support and will assist your organization by thoroughly assessing your IT infrastructure and recommending the best long-term approach given your unique resource requirements.

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We provide effective retail marketing strategies to our retail clients. Discuss your retail digital marketing strategy with an consultant.

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Our consultants are senior level with many years of experience in their specific specialty. We know what we’re doing. We are able to hit the ground running to identify.
Our consultants are senior level with many years of experience in their specific specialty. We know what we’re doing. We are able to hit the ground running to identify.
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Our consultants are senior level with many years of experience in their specific specialty. We know what we’re doing. We are able to hit the ground running to identify.
Serving Clients is Always our Top Priority
Our consultants are senior level with many years of experience in their specific specialty. We know what we’re doing. We are able to hit the ground running to identify.
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Our core principle was to invest in people, communities, and the success of our clients

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+90 (532) 170 85 68

Charlotte Sophia

Human Resources Manager

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Av. Arb. Çağatay SAYILIR

Yönetici Ortak

Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca


  • Galatasaray Üniversitesi | Hukuk | Yüksek Lisans
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | Hukuk | Lisans
  • Ankara Üniversitesi | Arabuluculuk


  • Türkiye Barolar Birliği (135855)
  • Uluslararası Barolar Birliği
  • Adalet Bakanlığı ADB (33636)


Av. Arb. Çağatay SAYILIR; Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi bünyesindeki hukuk lisans eğitimini başarıyla tamamlamasının akabinde, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Yüksek Lisans programına birincilik derecesiyle kabul edilmiştir.  Yüksek lisans eğitimi sırasında uluslararası ceza hukuku, uluslararası ticaret hukuku, sözleşmeler hukuku ve tahkim alanlarına odaklanmıştır.

Hukuk kariyerinde; holding hukuk müşavirliği,  uluslararası hukuk bürolarında avukatlık ve devlet kurumunda disiplin subaylığı gibi görevler üstlenmiştir. Birçok hukuk konferansına “Konuşmacı” olarak davet edilmiş ve mesleki deneyimleri ile araştırmalarını diğer profesyonellerle paylaşma imkanı bulmuştur.

SAYILIR Avukatlık & Arabuluculuk Bürosu’nun kurucusu olup hukuki hizmetlerin en yüksek standartlarda sunulması adına çalışmalarını etkin bir şekilde sürdürmektedir.


Julian Boone

Chief Executive Officer

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Charlotte LinLin

Senior Consulting Developer

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.

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